Halo... or Half life.
First of all, lets start out with one of the first thing somone thinks of when they debate.
The WEAPONS. Each character in the games has their own unique set of weapons. Mastercheif and Gordon Freeman's aresnal are both dazzingly amazing.
Note: After the Matchup Between The Fast Headcrab Zombie and the elite Flood, I will compare the Half life things and my friend that helps with the Zombie section will do the Halo things.
Note: We WILL NOT be doing Gordon Freeman V.S. Mastercheif. If that is what you are looking for, then go somewhere else. There is absolutely no way to do it. Gordon's meelee weapon is the famous crowbar, which becomes the icon of the series. In the original Half Life, Gordon finds the crowbar next to some broken glass in a door. You use this peice of metal to ward off headcrabs until you get the pistol. This crowbar is actually a very cool weapon. But since Half life 2 is the newest version of half life I will use their weapons. I am also going to use mainly things from Halo 1 and 2 becuase Half Life only has two games. After you retrive the crowbar from Barney in Half life 2, you find the 9m
m pistol. This weapon serves you well, even though it is extremely weak. you can fire this pistol at an alarmingly fast rate. This gun holds 18 shots per clip, and reloads quickly. It doesn't look too cool, although it does look a bit like the Tomb Raider pistol. Compared to the Halo's pistol, this weapon basically sucks. Even though you fire it faster, it is much more weak. The Halo pistol cannot fire as fast, but you can get headshots with it. It is very powerful in certain circumstances. It also looks better.

Weapon 2, SMG.
The SMG from half life 2 is a very cool weapon. It holds 45 bullets per clip and reloads pretty fast. The damage of the
SMG's bullets are allright, but not spectacular. It is not
amazing for long ranges, but has much better accuracy than the SMG from Halo 2 or the Assault rifle from CE. The SMG also can fire a grenade from under the barrel. This grenade can go far, and is very powerful. It is useful for taking down emenies such as the combine metrocops, soldiers, etc., the Antlion guards, and Hunters. Although the grenade is not as plentiful or long ranged as the brute shot, it is still very helpful during tough times. I absolutely HATE the look of the SMG in Halo. I'm not sure why, I just don't like it. I like the look of this one much more. Overall, I like the Half life 2 SMG better than the Halo SMG. It is just as powerful, is more accurate and has a grenade. Although you can dual weild SMGs in Halo (which is a cool feature) I still like this one more.

Weapon 3, .375 Magnum.
The Magnum in Half life 2 really has no comparison to weapons in Halo, but i will still discuss it. When you run out of ammo for the crossbow it switches you to the Magnum. this is because the magnm has an amazing accuracy and distance. If you are good with t
his gun, you can get a head shot from halfway across a small map. It is one hit kill for metrocops, and two or three hit kill for any other combine. Unless of course you shoot them in their cranium. The magnum holds six shots per reload and reloads pretty quickly. The look of the magnum is awesome, but only when you are holding it in the game. The magnum has alot of recoil, but you can still fire it somewhat fast. Sadly, the magnum only has two reloads, with six bullets in the gun and 12 extra. Used with the gravity gun, this weapon can be helpful. If you launch an explosive object with the Gravity Gun, you can switch to the magnum and shoot the explosive item in midair. Although, you seldom need to do this, and it's difficult anyway.

Weapon 4: the shotgun
Half life 2's shotgun is one of my favorite weapons in the game. It is extremley powerful up close and afar, and actually dosen't hit everyone in the room with just a little power, it THROWS A HUGE WALL OF LEAD TOWARD YOU ENEMIES! The Halo 
shotugn is cool too, but not as cool as the Half Life shotgun. Holding only 6 shells per reload, the shotgun has a small, but reasonable ammo supply. It holds up to thirty other shells with it. The halo 2 shotgun holds 12 or 24 shots (can't remember) per reload. This weapon has a larger fire span, and cannot shoot as long. I like the Halo shotgun alot, but I like Half Life's better. Also, Half Life's has a cool doubleshot feature which is pretty awesome. I like the look of both guns about the same, although the shotgun looks so DINKY in Halo 3.

Weapon 5, the Gravity Gun.
This is the ultimate weapon of Freeman's arsenal. After you get it in
the game, you can basically beat the game by using just it. The Gravity Gun is the most amazing part of the game. It makes the entire game so much fun! Catching peoples grenades, picking up mines and throwing them at people, catching flying buzzsaws, shooting radiator covers at headcrab zombies, the list goes on and on. The Gravity Gun is another Weapon of Half Life 2 that has no comparison to ANY of Halo's weapons. You can use it to kill any enemy in the game, whether its the lowly Metrocop or the mighty Hunter, the Gravity Gun will serve you well. All you need is things to throw at them. It is also helpful for collecting ammunition and health. After you travel into the bowels of the citadel in the end of Half Life 2, the combine try to destroy all your weapons so they can take you to Dr. Breen. They destroy all your weapons (even the crowbar) except the Gravity Gun. The Gravity Gun sucks in all the energy that was made to destroy it, and then turns into the almighty Super Gravity Gun. Also known as the Blue Gravity Gun, and The Organic Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator. This new weapon is the ultimate tool. You can pick up PEOPLE with the Blue Gravity Gun. It automatically kills them too. You can also throw balls of energy (like the ones shot from the pulse rifle) at the combine. The normal Gravity Gun can pick something up from the size and weight of a coffee mug to a dresser. The Blue Gravity Gun can pick up something the size of a coffee mug to a CAR. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you can throw CARS at people. A car weighs about two tons.

The pulse rifle can probably be compared to the plasma rifle and the plasma pistol. The pulse rifle is also called the Overwatch standard issue. It is the normal gun that many combine carry. It's normal fire is very powerful and if you aim at the head, you take your enemy down pretty quickly.
The plasma rifle and the plasma pistol are both good weapons as well. The pulse rifle has a clip, while the plasma weapons do not. Although, they can overheat. All of these weapons are powerful, but I think the pulse rifle is the strongest. The Pulse rifle also has a secondary fire which launches a large ball of energy. The effect is in the picture. Those WERE combine. If you are good with the secondary fire you can even use it to take down gunships. This fire, could be compared to the charged shot of the plasma pistol. It is target seeking in Halo CE. At least somewhat. It did a pretty good amount of damage, actually. But the Deathball (secondary fire, pulse rifle) can bounce around for a few seconds. It is also much, much stronger. All in all I think the pulse rifle is better.
Weapon 7, Crossbow
The crossbow does alot of damage, but it is nothing compared to the Halo sniper.
The sniper in Halo is amazing throughout all three games. It can
get noscopes, kill almost every main enemy in one shot and can fire at an amazing rate, for a sniper. I like the crossbow, I mean, it is cool you can make people hang from walls on the bolt, but the shot is slow, even though it is effective. The sniper is a total win. It can scope farther, shoot faster, and deals more damage. The sniper wins. Although, I do like the look of the crossbow alot.

Weapon 8: RPG
The Half life Rocket launcher is an extremely powerful weapon. I don't like the look of it very much, but it is extremely effective. It has a lazer guided rocket, which is extremely helpful for taking out gunships and striders. The Halo 2 rocket launcher has a lock on mechanism, but it only locks on to vehicles and only turns. The Half life RPG can
twist turn and even go beneath your enemy. It is very powerful. Although, The rocket launcher in Halo is good too. If the RPG didn't have the lazer guide function, the Halo Rocket launcher would have won. But, I think the Half Life weapon won this round. I do like the look of the Halo rocket launcher better however. It is more creatively designed as well.

Weapon 9: Sword V.S. Crowbar
Sword pwns. 'nuff said.
And now, section two.
Enemy 1: Metrocop V.S. Grunt
The Metrocop is the first enemy you face in Half Life 2. The Metrocop guards City 17. Thier
weapons consist of the 9mm pistol, SMG, and the stunstick. They have the lowest amount of health of all the combine. They are mainly very easy to kill. It looks they are wearing a gas mask, which is common throught all Combine. The Grunt is the the easiest enemy in Halo, mainly because they barely ever see you unless they are right in front of your face, and if they DO see you, they run away in terror. That and they have low health. The weapons they carry are the plasma pistol, the needler,in halo 3 the fuel rod cannon (sometimes) and Plasma grenades. They also look like they are wearing a gas mask, and they have an air tank on their back. Apparently, they cannot breath normal air. One whack from mastercheif sends these guys flying. Either that or just a few bullets would do the job. As for the metrocop, a few bullets to the face or an explosion from a barrel kills these guys pretty quickly. V.S.? I think that the Metrocop would win. They take cover, have better aim, and do not run away. Although their tactics are not spectacular, because of their tendency to jump in front of speeding airboats. Grunts have the best personality, because they scream things like DONT HURT ME! and CYBORG!! when they see you. They are pretty funny. The metrocop basically just goes "muafhuammuammamauahf." because of his gas mask. They are fun to kill, because of their beeping sound when they die.

Enemy 2: Combine soldier V.S. Jackal
The combine soldier is the next step up from the metrocop. They have better weapons, such as the shotgun, pulse rifle and grenades, more armor and better tactics. These combine have different masks, and an insignia. Soldiers do not beep when you kill them becuase they have a different com link. This is sad becuase it puts a smile on my face when you shoot a metrocop with a launched grenade and all you hear is BOOM! BEEEEEEEEEP! Anyway,
back on topic. Overall, the combine soldiers are basically the norm for an enemy. Now, the Jackals in Halo, have an okay amount of health, but much more than the Grunt's. They also have a large shield which they hold on their right arm. Jackals carry a good range of weapons. They can carry a plasma pistol, a needler, a carbine, or a beam rifle in Halo 2. V.S.? I think if the jackal had a beam rifle the combine soldier would get PWNED. Other than that, The combine soldier would use it's superior tactics and the shotgun to kill the Jackal. To kill a combine soldier the shotgun or SMG will do fine. As for the jackal the sniper, grenade, SMG or shotgun is a good choice for these guys. Neither jackals or soldiers have a personality, but I like the look of both about the same.

Enemy 3: Elite V.S. Combine Elite
The combine elite's main weapon is the overwatch standard issue, or the pulse rifle. The elites
are the only combine who use the Deathballs. They inflict major damage to you, but luckily, it does not disintegrate you, thanks the your hazard suit. Any other enemy (aside from bosses) will be annihilated by this weapon. The combine elite have more armor than the combine soldiers. The elites have armor t
hat recharges, which is very helpful, although the Deathball would destroy it. Elites carry Plasma rifles, Plasma Grenades, Energy swords, and Carbines. A one on one (elite vs Combine elite) the elite would probably win. Their superior armor would withstand alot of attacks before the Combine elite could kill the elite. Although, if the elite was hit with a deathball, he would lose. Combine have strength in numbers, while in the game the elites do not work well together in some spots. Personally? I think the combine elite would win if it was several people vs each other. To kill a Combine elite it takes a anything from about half a clip of pulse rifle ammo to the head to a grenade or a deathball. As for the Elites, a whack to the back, dual SMGs or a sticky grenade is an efficent way to kill Elites. Combine Elites really have no personality at all, mainly becuase they just try to kill you. The elites scream alot, though.

My friend is going to compare different kinds of Flood from Halo 3 to Half Life series Headcrab Zombies.
Enemy 4: Standard Headcrab Zombies vs. Marine/Civilian Flood:
The standard headcrab zombies are NOT hard at all, unless there are tons of them
surrounding you, and you dont have much to throw at them with the gravity gun. the headcrab zombies are very annoying when they try to moan you to death. their very distinct moaning gives away that theirs a zombie or two around you, so they cant really sneak up on you. but, if they do get ahold of you, they can take up to a quarter of your health away! that can be a HUGE problem. The Marine flood are not hard at all either. although they do carry an AR, BR, Shotgun, and some other weapons. but their aiming is CRAP because their guns wobble around when they run at you shooting, making the gun wielding not much of a problem. but I think that the Human flood would win because they DO carry waepons and can take you down very fast in groups. mostly you can take down this flood with a couple shots from a BR or AR, and simply with a shotgun or a beat down. they also can regenerate if you dont gib thier body, because the floodlings can bring them back to life. their weakness is that little space were their head should be, taken over by the floodling legs. a simple burst
with a BR to that little spot is an instant kill. The headcrab zombies do get props for looks, and personality. the headcrab zombies look alot scarier than the human marine flood, and the flood just look kinda squishy and gloppy. the headcrab zombies actually say words, although they may come out very badly. you may be able to make out them saying "help god help me" backwards, according to some sources my friend found. the Flood do have no personality whatsoever, but they do talk, but through Graveminds voice. but other than that, the flood themselfs do not have any personality.

Enemy 5:"Zombine"(thank you Alyx, for your Joke) Vs. Grunt flood ( Also called Carrier Flood)
The only reason I am comparing the Zombine to the Grunt flood is because the grunt flood AND
the zombine can explode. the Zombine usually carry grenades, and can sprint for a long time the Zombine have a bigger explosion range, and do alot more damage. they also can swipe at you if your not careful, and they have armor which gives them more health. I know your probably thinking, "wow this is such an unfair matchup why dont you wrap it up already?" well yes it is kind of unfair, but you need to SHUT UP. So yeah, the grunt flood are very annoying, and only idiots run into them and make them explode. they do howe
ver, have a perfect strategy. if they explode near you, they take down you sheild, which makes an open spot for the floodlings to kill you. FAST. In normal or easy mode, this will probably not happen due to making the flood retarded in those difficulties( i actually found a flood that was not moving in halo 3 and was just sitting thier not even bothering to attack me). but in heroic or legendary you can bet your ass that you would be dead in a matter of seconds. i still do think the Zombine you win, due to the armor and grenade explosion. I like the look of the Zombine better, becuase the flood just look like giant walking barfbags. I also like the personality of the zombine better. they make cool moaning sounds mixed with the combine radio.

Enemy 6: Fast Headcrab Zombie V.S. Elite Flood
We are sorry for some of the dumb matchups but some of these are getting hard to compare (our apologies) first off, the Elite flood are faster than the Brute flood, and they both have leaping abilities. The elite flood Are not too hard, and can be killed the same way as most flood (see Human/ Marine flood V.S. Standard Headcrab Zombie) but they may take more shots (possibly a bash, too). They're Downside is that they can miss you during a leap and that gives them an
open spot to be pummled by Master Cheif or The Arbiter. The Looks? well, i think that they have an, um, interesting look. i like how the head of the elite kind of gets reduced so the tentacles of the floodlings can fit cozily in the head. i also think it is interesting how the armor is stuck in the skin of the Flood due to the morphing of its body. the color isn't to interesting though. it doesn't really bring out anything. when you see it you just think about blowing its brains a
ll over the wall. The Fast Headcrab Zombie's advantage is that their movements are very quick. They also have very good climbing abilities. Unless you shoot them in the head, they take more than one shotgun shot. Their attacks do about 2-6 damage per swipe. Their jumping attack does about 10-15 damage. Their weakness is that they pause and scream and screech after attacking you. If you shoot off the headcrab, you see a nasty looking skull. Fast Headcrab Zombies have no flesh, only sinew, muscle and bone. Looks? I personally like the look of the Headcrab zombie better, the way it runs and is always is crouched over. The winner? I think the flood won this round. their attacks do more damage and they have more health.

Enemy 7: Poison Antlion V.S. Drone (with needler)
First Up" The (annoying,pointless) Drone. This little pest is one of the most annoying things you'll find in ANY FPS out there. in Halo 2 they were instroduced in most unpleasent manner. they came over a ledge right before you were about to face two hunters. they Had a very annoying feature that was taken out in Halo 3, and that was to jump on your helmet
and try to bash it in, while the other covenent took advantage and shot at a helpless Master Cheif. These Pests are not hard to take down, and only take 1 bullet from a BR if you can manage to fire only one. They were reduced to no power in Halo 3 and only hop on your vehicles. We are comparing a Drone with a Needler because The Poison Antlion(aka Worker antlion) has a fairly strong ranged attack, that can poison you. The drone is a little bit of a problem if you are playing on heroic because they can do alot with a needler and possibly kill you. still, if you can manage to get a BR they d
ont stand ANY chance against you. Looks of this annoying bugger are kind of cool because their big yellow buggy eyes are like goggles. they take alot of their appearence from beetles. and i dont even have to say the personality. they just purely FAIL. Antlion Workers are only found underground where the work on the nests and guard the grubs. they have a powerful poison attack which lowers your health with the neurotoxin while permantly damaging you as well. It does not take you down to 1% like the poison headcrabs, but it does lower it. They are usually accompanied by normal antlions or other workers. They also have a melee attack which does about the same as the normal antlion. When they die, they explode, and if you are too close it can slighty hurt you. They have flying abilities but, mainly use it to boost it to high places, and cannot manuver very well in the air like the Drone. V.S.? I think that the Antlion worker would win. If the drone were to be hit with poison, the damage from the poison and the neurotoxin kill it instantly. Plus, the Antlions, can take alot of shots. This enemy does not have a personality either, but I like the look of the Drone more.

Enemy 8: Hunter V.S. Brute Cheiftan
Both of these enemies are formidable infantry in certain circumstances. Brute cheiftans are hard in close combat because of their strong meelee. Brute chieftans have a good amount of health, and a sufficent way to take them down is melee attacks, Sniper, Rocket Launcher, needler, or fuel rod cannon. They use good tactics and will flank you or shoot from long distances with the fuel rod cannon. Hunters are only in episode 2, although you get a quick glimpse of them in episode 1. They use mainly their fletchettes to kill you, which are fired with surprising accurracy. The fletchettes explode within three seconds. If they kill you, you are disinigrated
. They, like the brute cheiftan, have powerful melee. they can charge you, use their powerful legs to pummel you or, in some circumstances, impale you with dual 3 - foot needles. They are a synth, just like striders or gunships. They armor is insanely powerful, I mean, it can withstand two Rockets. Their flettechettes are very powerful and can take you down very quickly. They hunt in packs and stalk you as well as using tactics like flanking and supression fire. If they were to fight I think that the hunter has superior tactics and armor. although, if the cheiftan were a long enough distance away, he would be able to snipe the hunter down without much difficulty. Aside from that the hunter would win. When hunters die they have been seen to fire their flettechettes shotgun style in hopes to take down thier enemy with them.

Next, Section 3
Vehicle 1: Hunter Chopper V.S. Hornet (the only reason i'm using Halo 3 is becuase there is no helicopter in Halo 2 or 1)
Again, The Halo vehicle is up first. THE HORNET. The Hornet is a very nice weapon to have during combat, Although there are NO Xbox LIVE maps with these vehicles,(unless you spawn them in forge) and only 2 times you get to use them in campaign, which blows. but anyway, these vehicles are one of the most innovative vehicles ive ever seen(than
k you, Bungie) in a game. they have heat seeking dual rockets. and a crazy machine gun that makes it easy to take enemies down very quickly. they're downside is that they cant maneuver very well and are sitting ducks for a Spartan Laser or Missle Pod. they dont have a boost like alot of the other vehicles in Halo, but the Combat skills and weapons makes up for all that. the Hornets look. hm. The Hornets look is a very cool look, with two jump seats (making it leathal if the men in the jumpseats have rocket launchers) and two propellers on each side, and doesn't have alot of resemblence to any kind of flying vehicle, making it unique. i like it alot. the Hunter chopper Has only one gun, which is somewhat inaccurate. Although, this can be used to the chopper's advantage. This lets it spray many enmies at once with its powerful shots. The Hunter Chopper takes alot of damage before going down. It also has rockets, like the Hornet's they are homing. The hunter chopper also has spherical bombs, which can float, and are apparently hollow. They can do a large amount of damage. these are used when enemies are behind them. They also use them to destroy the roofs of buildings. The hunter chopper is manned by two combine soldiers, one gunner and one driver. The chopper has extremely good manuvering abilities. I like the look of the chopper. It is similar to the Mi-28 havok or the american RAH-66 Comanche. The best way to take down this enemy is with its own gun. You get it attached to the airboat in the level of Half-Life 2, Water Hazard. V.S.? The Hornet would probably win. It has two guns that are more accurate as well as dual rockets.

Vehicle 2: Gunship V.S. Banshee
These enemies are both an average flying enemy. The gunship, like many other enemies in Half Life 2 is biorganic. You first meet it in highway 17. The only way to take it down effeciently is explosives or energy balls in the citadel. RPGs, SMG grenades or just thrown grenades is the only way. They take 3-4 RPG shots to take down. Its gun is very powerful, sapping 5 to 15 health
per shot. They have a rotor, just like the hunter chopper. Gunships have small fins on their sides, for sharp turns and manuvers. The Gunship can even bend in the middle to avoid your rockets. They also shoot down your rockets which is extremely annoying. Banshees are the covenant's
main fighter in the air and have been around since Halo CE. In halo 2 they also have a unique dodging technique, which is to spin backwards and sideways. This helps to avoid Fuel Rod Cannon shots and rockets. In Halo 2 they have two mounted plasma guns on the front, which can take down your health with great efficency. Although, In Halo CE they had bombs, and although they basically just fell and were somewhat slow, they were effective. V.S.? I think that the Gunship would win. It has a superior gun, dodging abilities, and health. The Gunship really has no weaknesses except for the fact that if you shoot a rocket, 90% of the time it will be distracted by the rocket. but the banshee is very weak from the back. I like the look of the Gunship better as well. It is more creatively designed, too.

Vehicle 3: Combine APC V.S. Wraith
The APC is the main form of transportation for the Combine. It carrys Metrocops or Combine Soldiers. Armed with very thick armor, homing rockets and two mounted pulse turrets, this vehicle can prove to be a very difficult enemy. If unable to travel across the land, this vehicle can be transported by means of Dropships. The APC can drive very fast on it's own as well.
An effective way to take out this enemy is to use rockets or the gun on the Airboat. Wraiths are the covenant's tanks. They have only one gun, but is powerful. That is the arced plasma shot which is fired from the top of tank.
the Wraith cannot move very fast, except for a speed boost which allows it to move about as fast as the APC for about 3 seconds. Although, you cannot shoot during this time. The only disadvantages to the Wraith's weapon is that it goes very slow and is arced, instead of going in a straight line. To take out this thing, you need either a Scorpion Tank gun, rockets, a banshee, Fuel Rod Cannon, plasma grenades or to hijack it. As for the looks of the vehicles, I think that the Wraith looks better. Both vehicles are strong. But in a fight I think that the APC would win. It has just as much armor, rockets, and two smaller guns as well as moving faster, and carrying troops.

Vehicle 4: Combine Dropship V.S. UNSC Pelican
The Combine Dropship is, Like the strider, a synth. It is mostly organic as you can see in the picture below. It has two mounted pulse turrets on the dropship container. The container is made out of a thick black metal, like that of the citadel. The dropship has many legs including the
"wings" and the large engine on the back. The dropships bend these legs on the back. This makes them look as though they are swimming like a whale through the air. It can hold four to eight combine soldiers. The tactics of a Dropshipare pretty simple. It will land in a strtegic place near the enemy, open the hatch and the soldiers will jump out. The pulse turrets will cover for the soldiers while they move in. It will then keep firing while flying away. It can also carry APCs Hunters, and Striders. A good way to take one of these down is the airboat gun or Rockets (although you need about 6). the Pelican is armed with 70 mm guns and Rocket launchers on the wings. One of the advantages on the dropship is that the pelican has rockets and it can hold tanks and warthogs at the same time as carrying soldiers. The dropship can only hold either. The pelican can also bend in lots of spots like the dropship. It is extremely armored and usually takes at least 3 banshees to take it down.

If these two were to fight, I'm gonna have to say that the pelican would win. it has rockets, more armor and better manuverability.
Vehicle 5:
The next part (zombine vs evolution flood) is coming soon!
ReplyDeletealmost finished!